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Webinar: How forecasting and planning will lead the way

While difficult, forecasting has never been more important to ensure an effective operation

Covid-19 has presented airports with a range of new challenges. In terms of traffic forecasting, the volatile state of flight schedules and government restrictions are limiting the value of historical reference data, creating the need for handling a multitude of forecasting scenarios and understanding their associated effect on operations.

We argue, that the ability to forecast the traffic outlook and size the operation accordingly will be the determining factor in a successful and financially sustainable ramp-up. Join Copenhagen Optimization’s Kasper Hounsgaard, when we examine how traffic forecasting will be impacted in the coming years and the derived impact on airport planning and operations.

In this webinar, we will focus on how to:
– Produce a high quality forecast during volatile periods
– Limit the amount of manual work
– Utilize your traffic forecast to optimally size your operation


Mr. Kasper Hounsgaard, CEO and Co-founder, Copenhagen Optimization

Skærmbillede 2024-11-22 kl. 12.21.28